Annunciation (oil on linen, 14 x 16 in, 2021)

Annunciation (oil on linen, 14 x 16 in, 2021)

Volcano Mon Amour (gouache on panel, 24 x 24 in, 2020)

Volcano Mon Amour (gouache on panel, 24 x 24 in, 2020)

Volcano Cowgirl at the End of the World (acrylic and oil on canvas, 20 x 24 in, 2021)

Volcano Cowgirl at the End of the World (acrylic and oil on canvas, 20 x 24 in, 2021)

Cowgirl Attacked By A Jaguar (12 x 16 in, oil on canvas)

Cowgirl Attacked By A Jaguar (12 x 16 in, oil on canvas)

Pink Heart of the Desert (study) / Watercolor on Arches paper, 18 x 24 in

Pink Heart of the Desert (study) / Watercolor on Arches paper, 18 x 24 in

Cosmic Egg (after Hildegard Von Bingen) oil and gouache on canvas on painted panel, 16 x 16 in, 2021)

Cosmic Egg (after Hildegard Von Bingen) oil and gouache on canvas on painted panel, 16 x 16 in, 2021)


 Contradiction Cowgirls/ I Kill and Make Alive, I Wound and I Heal (gouache and gesso on Arches paper, 22 x 30 in, 2021)

Mountain Mother Big River (Pastel and gouache on Ingres paper, 24 x 30 in)

Mountain Mother Big River (Pastel and gouache on Ingres paper, 24 x 30 in)

Metaphysical Cowgirl / As Above, So Below (handcolored hardground etching oh Hahnemühle paper, 11 x 14 in, 2020)

Metaphysical Cowgirl / As Above, So Below (handcolored hardground etching oh Hahnemühle paper, 11 x 14 in, 2020)

Don’t Look a Gift Horse in the Mouth (oil and gouache on canvas, 16 x 20 in, 2020)

Don’t Look a Gift Horse in the Mouth (oil and gouache on canvas, 16 x 20 in, 2020)

Cracked Egg Girl/ Little Girl Humpty Dumpty (Handcolored Hardground etching, 6 x 9 in on Hahnemühle paper)

Cracked Egg Girl/ Little Girl Humpty Dumpty (Handcolored Hardground etching, 6 x 9 in on Hahnemühle paper)

Handcolored hard ground etching (8 x 10 in, 2021)

Handcolored hard ground etching (8 x 10 in, 2021)

Wyoming Gloves/ What Wondrous Love (gouache, graphite on Arches paper, 36 x 48 in, 2020)

Wyoming Gloves/ What Wondrous Love (gouache, graphite on Arches paper, 36 x 48 in, 2020)

Bound Foot and Lotus Shoe (handcolored hardground etching on Arches paper, 11 x 14 in, 2020)

Bound Foot and Lotus Shoe (handcolored hardground etching on Arches paper, 11 x 14 in, 2020)

Pink Heart of the Desert (acrylic and pastel on canvas, 72 x 84 in, 2020)

Pink Heart of the Desert (acrylic and pastel on canvas, 72 x 84 in, 2020)

Cowgirl Kali/ Born In Flames (gouache on Arches paper, 12 x 16 in, 2021)

Cowgirl Kali/ Born In Flames (gouache on Arches paper, 12 x 16 in, 2021)

Cowgirl Primavera (gouache on paper, 41 x 70 in, 2021)

Cowgirl Primavera (gouache on paper, 41 x 70 in, 2021)

Cowgirl Primavera (detail)

Cowgirl Primavera (detail)

Christ Donkey (oil on linen, 16 x 20 in, 2021)

Christ Donkey (oil on linen, 16 x 20 in, 2021)

Egg Girl Procession (Handcolored hard ground etching, 6 x 9 in, 2021)

Egg Girl Procession (Handcolored hard ground etching, 6 x 9 in, 2021)